The exotic trip to Seychelles

After the flight from Sweden thru Denmark and Switzerland so I arrived to the main island Mahe on Seyshelles at the 4 south latitude from equator. The plane took 11 hours from Switzerland so I was terriable tired when I arrived 4 a clock EM.

A few days later I was strolling at the Beau Vallon Bay opposite thru the hill to the other side the capital city Victoria at Seyshelles.

I gently took my ordinary strolling at the dark streets on Beau Vallon and i was fashinated by the slow pace on the islands. Cos the only bars, discoteq and late restaurants you could join was on the hotels but as it doesnt suit me so well so i prefered to taked a long stroll and enjoyed the scenery at the countryside as i in same time was hearing the big bat flying every night which they collected the nectar.

I saw also many fruits by strolling the streets only as: Real big Durian (5 kg) just hanging at the tree and bumping into the grown. I also found Papaya, Lime, Tamarind and i was astonish to know that Vanilla was an orchid climbing the trees so wonderfull.

But the most exotic plant i saw was the Plumeriatree with the white and yellowflower sat on a big naked tree.

It was late at night and I was just passing by and I could smell an perfume from a tree nearby but I did not know from which then. I walk to a tree with white flowers and saw that naked leaf tree and wonder what it could be so I just snap a flower and the tree began too bleed (so it was poision). But it smell so good so I just snap off a couple off flowers just too take it back too the Sun Resort hotel and into my room. I thinked to myself this must be the flower of paradise.

I was also taking a bustrip to explore Victoria Botanic Garden, Spice Garden, and a half tour around Mahé with special local dishes.

Another thing i explore about this island was the famous landliving Aldabra tortoise. You could see them at Victoria Garden on Mahé island or go to Aldabraayatoll by plane.

My mobile cellar phone (with 1800 and 800 broadband) function very well on this island, i used it often so i know for sure.

The temperature is good 20-30ºC all year around.

Conditions for swimming, snorkelling and especially diving are superb during April/May and October/November when the water temperature sometimes reaches 29ºC and visibility is often 30 metres plus.

Explore this rich island by diving or snorkeling

If you want to learn more about the Seychelles island´s visit the official website

You go there by Air Seychelles

Next exotic stop in this journey was Mauritius which is 3 hours south (by airplane) from Seychelles. I will sample and blogg about this later...

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