Exclusive Mauritius journey

I was dropping by Mauritius from Seyshelles in same journey and i was quite hillarous to explore this other island that was just three hours south from Seyshelles. I have been reading that Mauritius its an green beautiful island, especially the rocky southern part. Mauritius lays in the middle of Indian ocean, just east of Madagaskar. The island is quite small, but lot to offer. By my experience i could write a lot about the island but i have selected my most exlusive parts.

The inhabitats on the island have varying background as; india, english, french, afrikan and chinese. The most overwhelming experience is that they live quite in peace together even if they got different religions, churches, tempel and moské side by side.

The services at the hotel is very exlusive but you also see a troublesome poverty with real tinareas they live in and lots of half ready houses cos they cant afford paint there house or fix it at fully.

You could travel to Mauritius ”all-year-around” with sun and heat most of the year, without any big weather changes accept cyclon. The middle temperature on the day is between +26 to +30 degree. Mauritius has there summer between november-april. Then is hotter, more raindays, highseason with more tourists and higher prices. Between may-october its lowseason, more sunny days but cooler and easy to get cheaper hotelprices and less tourists. The water temperature is almost the same all year around, between 23-27 dergee. The night is sweet and the island got mild winds all year around.

A god spot to start your journey on Mauritius is Blue Bay southeast near airport. Lets stay one or two nights here then you could go up to eastcoast and to the Centre de Flacq wish is the island best travelsspot. Here you go by bus cheap only some mur and they got no timetable for bus. Trou d'Eau Douce and Bella Mare has the island most beatiful beaches and a fantastic corallreef. Here you could find some small hotel cheap only a few meters from the sea.

The westcoast also got nice beaches but they aint at the same good class as eastcoast. Some other populair seaside resort are Trou aux Biches and Flic en Flac.

The capitol city is Port Louis i could tell you not to miss the market in Port Louis. Curpipe is another place that offer cheap shopping by several cloathings (Billabong, Gant, Polo, Quicksilver, Miles Away.....). Mauritius its mostly ruled by indian hindues. First here was the Dutchman, year 1598. The was here for many hundred years, and use the island as a provisions, and the also exterminate many giant turtles and the most famous Mauritius bird - the clumsy, ugly dront "The Dodo".

* Nightlife
On the nothern part of the island at Pereybère and Grand Baie you could found several good but more expensive and exlusive shopping, restaurants and nightlife.

Up north at Grand Baie they got several pretty houses and just a gorgeous beach, but it is more expensive here then other spots at island. The hottest nightlife you could find here collected at Grand Baie on the northwest coast, El Diablo in Grand Baies is the hottest discotek, but as any other places it doesnt turn real hot after midnight at the weekends on Friday and Sundays. But more often you could find entertainment, nightclubs and discoteq inside at the big hotels, mostly for they who live there.

Le Morne peninsula is the south spot of Black River district. It has rumour to be the most african part of island, as the inhabitats its famous for the autentic ségadance and there kreol traditions.

Le Morne peninsula have two luxuary buildings as Berjaya le Morne Hotel and Beachcomber Le Paradise with a 18-hole golf course, deepsea fishing. The Hotel here offer diving and other watersports as waterski, sailing, snorkeling, skärmsegling, vattenskidåkning, windsurfing.

They also got two casino, one at Beachcomber Le Paradise and Berjaya Le Morne.

Picture: Pamplemousses Royal Garden, Tree 150 years of age.

* Worth seeing:
- Pamplemousses Royal Garden. Botanic garden with giant water lily and exotic tree and flowers. You will found this park north from capitol city Port Louis and its have free entrance. No particular arrangement for children.

TIP: Follow some of the guides in the park. They will show you giant bambutrees, lotusflowers, learn to pick some leavs and smell at eukalyptus, cinnamon and other usefull. Real nice!
You should also visit Grand Bassin a holy place for hindus since 1897. Tempel and sanctuary has been built around the volcanlake up at the centralplateau 700 m.

Picture: Grand Bassin, monkey temple.

If you keep going further Black River Gorges National Park after have been looking at the famous Chamarel and Alexandra Falls you will reach Chamarel Coloured earth, which is a natural fenomen with different colours of mineral volcano aches. Thereafter you most stop at a lovley restaurant with high mountain seaview "Le Chamarel" you could see Le Morne peninsula as im think its the best part of Mauritius. After you going down the hill perhaps you could stop at Casela Nature & Leisure Park which have a wonderfull garden and a hugh park with animals.

- Vanille Crocodile Park Parken La Vanille lays at the Mauritius southcoast. This park is well-managed with both the animals and the jungle who show you how Mauritius look like ages ago. In park you could find many special crocodiles, funny apes who eat from our hands, giant turtle to ride on (for children) also think, this giant turtles is 150 years old, gecko lizards, fat toad, and many beatiful fishes, butterflies and hairy spiders.
TIP: Follow any of the parkguide (include the price). With the guide you will see many animals and plants you perhaps should eather misses. The park have a restaurant who is nice and luckely cheap and you could order all think from cappucino too crocodile.

- Parc Aventure Chamarel A natural park with adventure theme. Much to climb and balance. Its good place for chilrden between 6-18 years of age. Expensive but fun.

- Dolphins at the Tamarindbay.
To swim with dolhins at Tamarindbay is fantastic experience. They are wild so you dont can be 100% sure they will show up. But the chance is big. From the beach at Tamarind and Flic en Flac you could hire a boat and go out and reach the dolphins. Biggest chance to see them is at the morning between 8 am or erlier. If you like to swim with dolhpins you should hire a boat some days before to go and buy a underwater camera (you could get cheap ones). If you like to stay on the boat and only look at the dolphins you could take a dolphins journeyboat who take 15 people at the time, book it some days before at the beach.

* Fact; Mauritius (on spot 29 on the priceguide, 42% cheaper then Sweden). Language; Kreol, a mixture of french and english. Currency: Mauritiska rupier, 100 mur = cirka 26 kr.

Most tourists come from france and white people from south africa.

Car for rent coast 41-730 euro at day. Think its left traffic, very hard to find,
many cars and thin roads. A taxi its better for 62 euro for a whole day. If you have time and want to explore the island cheaper to get on bus.

* Food
The mixed food in Mauritius is miscellaneous and good. The creol kitchen is an mixture of east and west, with frech coconut, pineapple and mango. Fish of all kinds is a matter of course on an island, barbecue is also common among several restaurants with indian and chinese dishes at Mauritius. In the shops and market you will find exotic fruits, vegetables and other materials to fill up your refrigerator.

* Living
The most living altenativs who is offering from chartertrips are all-inclusive-hotel, they is expensive and you stay limited if you aint got much cach. You could find cheaper living.

- Le Palmar in Belle Mare is an tiny intimate hotel among the lovley eastcoast.
- Sugar Beach Resort in Flic en Flac has an hugh garden, lots of free activitys, exquisite meal, nice own beach with the corallreef nearby.
- Ocean Villas in Grand Baie.
- Ocean Beauty in Grand Baie.

* Shopping
There is a few thing you might look out for if you like shopping. Many clothes are made in egyptic cotton and many stores offer brands as; Gant, Polo, Ralph Laurent, Billabong, Quicksilver, Cerutti, Lacoste.
Some fabrik in Curepipe shows boatbuilder (models), and glas of arts.

Knitting on Floreal outlet in Floreal knitted cotton-, thin wool- and kashmirsweater. Another tip is there famous well-known rom "Green Island".

* Links

* Buscompany
MTB-Mauritius Bus Transport mauritius.voyaz.com
RHT - Rose Hill Transport www.rht.mu

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yeah!the place is just awesome that you'd love coming back!i enjoyed every bit of our stay at veranda grand baie mauritius.